Request form to learn about investigations as an injured party and/or suspect to be presented to the Public Prosecutor's Office


Request pursuant to art. 335 cpp 3rd paragraph

The undersigned Mr./Mrs ___________________born in _________ on ________c.f. ________________ resident in ___________ in his capacity as both the offended party and any suspect pursuant to articles 335, 3rd paragraph of the Code of Criminal Procedure and 110 bis of the implementing rules of the Code of Criminal Procedure


to know whether there are entries relating to his person in the prescribed crime registers which concern him both as an offended party and as a possible suspect, with relative indications of the offended persons and the legal qualification of the facts for which the registered Demand would have to proceed.

You would like the communication to take place via PEC: (insert your PEC)

With observance.(Place) (Date)


Attachment 1 Identity documents

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